Hong Kong Adventure Corps

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Hong Kong Adventure Corps UK Exchange Group

First day trip (July 22)
After a 16-hour flight, the British delegation flew from Hong Kong via Doha to London Heathrow Airport and then transferred to the West Toft Training Camp for a 2-hour tour to meet with about 200 local Army Youth League students. Meet and join the annual training camp in the South East London area.
After the exchange group settled in the camp, they accepted the welcoming ceremony hosted by Colonel Smith, the commander of the South East London District. The members then distributed Multi-Terrain Pattern uniforms and equipment, and distributed to 2 stars according to the qualifications of the members. 3 Star company, and finally the company commander briefed the camp rules.
After a full day of activities, the members of the group took ample rest to prepare for the next day's activities - firearms training and assessment.